Friday, February 28, 2020

Nursing journal article on lupus and alternative treatment Essay - 1

Nursing journal article on lupus and alternative treatment - Essay Example Lupus is a disease whereby the immune systems of the body attacks the normal and healthy body tissues; thus contributing to various complications such as swelling, damage of the skin, joints and kidneys or heart. Therefore, the article addresses about the issue of lupus and the alternative treatment measures for the disease. The author approaches the problem through caring out statistical analysis and reveals the case study survey of some patients who employs alternative treatment approaches for relieving pain. The author approaches the problem through conducting study analysis in order to obtain effective results about lupus disease and the alternative treatments. First, the author employed varied case studies, which include people who have been diagnosed with lupus and reveals the ideas provided by doctors on the process of carrying out research on this disease. For instance, the author reveals some study analysis conducted by Garbett, who was diagnosed with lupus (Kertesz, 2012). Garbett and other physicians from the associate fellowship program, Arizona University conducted the research study in order to determine the issues of lupus and the alternative treatment for this disease. The study carried out reveled that Garbett was able to cope up with the discomfort nature caused by lupus disease through eating of a balanced diet. According to Kertesz (2012), Garbett followed proper diet by taking good carbohydrate, low fat levels, omega-3 fatty acids and enough fruits. Secondly, the author carried out research study concerning the issue of lupus and he thus found that consuming enough vitamins, herbs and visiting the reflexologist provides relief for the disease. Although the study results revealed that these are not effective herbal medicines, they can relief the pain. The case study of Beck Brown and Garbett reveals the effective medicines for relieving pain. However, there are other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies offered to

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Write a respond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write a respond - Essay Example rkplace violence, I think its better to be proactive and prepare for the worst.   There are some relatively easy and cheap solutions available on the market today if well look for them. Even as the efforts toward the family conflicts resolution are directed to the workplace, the two parties have a role to play to end their issues. It is a shame to find a couple fighting each other in the workplace. They do not even deserve to work there, but should be fired and demoted immediately. Workplace violence indicated that the two parties involved have failed to manage the simplest bit of their life patterns; hence, they should not be kept in the workplace. A person who cannot manage his or her life is not in a position to manage workplace activities. Workplace violence planning is done in large part at the local management level. The frequency and depth is generally outlined by corporate, but left to local managers to develop site specific training, especially considering the variation of laws from state to state. As the Safety Manager, I work closely with the Human Resources Manager to get the information presented to all of our employees. North Carolina is a State run OSHA program, and I rely a great deal on the information they have presented on their website for reference and guidance. NC DOL does a great job in providing training resources and outreach for industry. In this case, they have all relevant laws and information posted, as well as a series of PowerPoint presentations and even videos for employees to watch. We have added slightly to the slides and incorporated a small T/F test to demonstrate retention of the material. I would encourage everyone to look at the state run program websites for these resources. Federal OSHA has some posted on their website, but they are not usually as good. Oregon State has probably the best workplace violence training, even OSHA refers to their training platform on this topic, but again, it is State specific for many